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How Healthy Are Victoria’s Airports?

Meinhardt has undertaken a “health check” of Victorian airports for the Victorian Government.

Victoria’s airports contribute significantly to the social and economic prosperity of State. With passenger and freight numbers expected to increase significantly over time, the “safeguarding” of airports is critical to Victoria’s future growth.

Victoria’s planning system contains a number of tools to assist in the protection of airports, however more can be done to ensure that new subdivisions, buildings, and uses are planned with the consideration of current and future aviation needs.

The 2014 Safeguarding Health Check examines the site conditions of up to existing airports, using the National Airports Safeguarding Framework (NASF) in relation to noise, building generated windshear, wildlife strikes, wind turbines, distractions to pilots from lighting and intrusions into protected airspace. The health check also examines growth trends and strategic planning initiatives which contribute to the current and future health of airports.

The project provides:

  • An improved understanding of the relative health of Victoria’s airports, having regard to both planning and aviation criteria.
  • Improved guidance for the strategic planning of airports and land around airports.
  • A best practice and integrated aviation planning product.

The project builds on Meinhardt’s impressive track record in planning for airports and major infrastructure and is expected for completion in late 2014.