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Meinhardt Planning Team’s The Panorama, Now Approved for Construction

Meinhardt’s Planning Team has received permit for their development, The Panorama, a thirteen-storey apartment complex at 101-105 Tram Road, Doncaster.

By working with local council and residents, and overcoming objections through negotiation and amendments to the planning drawings, Meinhardt realised the approval of The Panorama, designed by Peddle Thorp Architects.

In addition, the Meinhardt proposal demonstrated that the development:
– Complied with requirements of the Activity Zone Centre and supporting policy,
– Met ‘beyond compliance’ sustainability requirements,
– Scales accordingly to its environment,
– Provides necessary car-parking amenities, and;
– Protects current and future residents from unreasonable amenity impacts, such as overlooking and overshadowing

For further information, please contact hugh.mckenzie(@)